Common Risk Factors of Complications During Pregnancy


After conception, women sometimes have a hectic period carrying the pregnancy to delivery. Complications that could occur during this period of nine months are many. A pregnancy is considered high risk if it threatens the life of either the fetus or the mother. However, with proper care throughout the pregnancy, women have much higher chances of healthy deliveries. Book an appointment with Suncoast Women’s Care to minimize the risks and stress during pregnancy. Below are various factors that could make a pregnancy high risk:


Women who conceive in their adolescence ages have higher chances of experiencing complications. According to studies, approximately 13 percent of pregnancies belong to adolescents, and the chances of anemia, preterm labor, and preeclampsia are high. On the other hand, women above the age of 35 are also likely to experience complications during pregnancy or delivery. The two categories require adequate care to minimize these risks.


Women who are both underweight and overweight have high chances of giving birth to children with different problems. The risks are much higher for obese women with a BMI above 25 before pregnancy. Miscarriage or having a baby with a high birth weight are common in obese women. The specialist will guide such patients on the proper ways to exercise and minimize risks.

Reproductive Abnormalities

According to past statistics, women with abnormalities in their reproductive systems are likely to have trouble during labor. The fetus could be in an abnormal position, or they could have a premature baby. Such abnormalities include cervical insufficiency or fibroids. Both could make the child to be born too soon or trigger a miscarriage.

Previous Complications

Having complications in a past pregnancy could reoccur in the present pregnancy. Complications that occur subsequently include miscarriages, deformities, premature births, stillbirths, or late deliveries. Therefore, women who have had previous complications are advised to begin early care to minimize the chances of reoccurrence.

Illnesses Before Pregnancy

The medical condition of the mother before conceiving could have an impact on pregnancy. For example, a woman with autoimmune diseases, lung problems, heart problems, or sexually transmitted infections before pregnancy could experience a miscarriage or complications during delivery. Thus, it is essential to seek medical help before getting pregnant if you have any threatening medical conditions.

Medical Conditions During Pregnancy

Doctors recommend attending regular checkups because conditions could develop even when the mother was healthy before pregnancy. They include preeclampsia and gestational diabetes. Luckily, the conditions are manageable, and the mothers could still have healthy deliveries.

Exposures During the Gestation Period

A healthy mother could still have a high-risk pregnancy if exposed to drugs, radiation, or infections during the nine months of pregnancy. They could then have a miscarriage or give birth to a child with defects. Pregnant women are advised to quit smoking, alcohol, and avoid overexposure to radiation.

Luckily, even with the numerous factors that increase the chances of a high-risk pregnancy, doctors can still manage these conditions through continuous care and monitoring. If you have any of the conditions above, you should seek medical attention early during pregnancy or before getting pregnant. Book an appointment with Suncoast Women’s Care online today.

Content Provided By Vanguard Behavioral Health – rehab Tucson

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