Five Common Sleep Disorders You Should Know


Sleep disorders are a cluster of conditions that impede sleep so much that it becomes habitual. It is common to find adults not sleeping the recommended seven to eight hours a night due to work, domestic duties, ailments, etc. Nevertheless, allowing this problem to fester can lead to full-on sleep disorders that will impact your health. Dr. Barry Chase is an expert in sleep disorders, and he can help you establish a healthy sleep routine. Below is a list of common sleep disorders and how you can overcome them.


Someone unable to fall asleep no matter what they do is said to suffer from insomnia. In some instances, people fall asleep after many hours only to awaken and possibly not sleep again. This cycle can go on for days, leaving you feeling extremely tired regardless of when you retire to bed. If this problem persists for more than three months, your physician will diagnose you with chronic insomnia. At this point, you must consider medical interventions such as cognitive behavioral therapy for insomnia (CBTI).


There is a correlation between a person’s neurology and their ability to sleep. Narcolepsy is a neurological disorder that affects a person’s ability to fall asleep or stay awake. For this reason, the person may find themselves struggling to keep awake hence making it difficult to work or even drive. They may also experience sleep paralysis and hypnagogic hallucinations. Treatment options for narcolepsy include taking antidepressants and stimulants to keep the brain awake.

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS)

A person suffering from CFS will struggle with extended fatigue that won’t go away even when they rest from work, school, or other activities occupying their time. This relentless exhaustion makes it difficult to meet the demands of their daily lives until they receive appropriate treatment. Chronic fatigue syndrome can stem from a viral infection, psychological stress, or other range of internal and external factors. Unfortunately, there is no proven cure for CFS, so the doctor will suggest making lifestyle changes that promote adequate mental and physical rest.


These sleep disorders occur through unusual behavior when sleeping, such as sleep talking, nightmares, teeth grinding, bedwetting, rapid eye movement, sleepwalking, etc. The person has a plan, but their attempts happen when sleeping unbeknownst to them. Research finds that medications like melatonin are effective in managing parasomnias.


Snoring is the hoarse sound you hear when air passes by narrowed tissues in your throat, thus making them vibrate when you inhale and exhale. Snoring is essentially a problem where a person struggles to keep the throat open when they are sleeping. They let out a loud groan which can disturb their sleeping partner, and some people are so loud they can wake people in other rooms. Sleeping on the side and making lifestyle changes like losing weight and not consuming alcohol just before bedtime are helpful. In extreme cases, disruptive snoring calls for surgical interventions.

There are a host of sleep disorders that can affect how well a person sleeps, if they sleep at all. If you struggle with lousy quality sleep no matter how early you turn in, seek professional help to help you sleep soundly.

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