Vital Information You Need to Know About Dementia


Dementia is a condition that affects some people in society. The condition is associated with the loss of cognitive function such as remembering, thinking, and social abilities. You can get this condition, although it is mostly associated with the elderly since as you age your cognitive functions degenerate as well. Dementia is not a single disease but covers a different range of medical conditions. If you suspect symptoms of dementia in Falls Church, visit Integrated Neurology Services and receive personalized treatment.

What Are the Symptoms of Dementia?

It is not easy to know at the initial stages of the conditions. You should look out for some of the symptoms highlighted below. The symptoms may differ from person to person. Here are some of the signs to lookout for:

  • Memory problems.
  • Anxiety and withdrawal.
  • Difficulty in comprehending words.
  • Obsessive tendencies.
  • Personality and behavior changes.
  • Difficulty in carrying out different tasks.

You may notice some of these symptoms. However, your family members might be better placed to gauge your behavior according to how you behave. As time goes, the symptoms may tend to be severe and require a specialized specialist to diagnose the condition.

What Are the Stages of Dementia?

There are three main stages of the condition. If your condition is in stage one or two, you may manage some of the things independently, but at stage three, you might need assistance. Highlighted below is more detail about the various stages:

  • Early Stage– At this stage, common symptoms such as becoming forgetful, losing track of time, and feeling lost in familiar places may be regular.
  • Middle stage– Your condition will be a little advanced at this stage. You are likely to forget names or events, experience difficulty in communication, repeatedly asking questions, and feeling lost even when at home.
  • Late-stage– This is also known as the severe stage. You are likely to require full-time assistance in most of the things at this last stage. You will have lost little or no memories for most of the things.

These three main stages depict the degenerative decline of cognitive memory functions. Before you reach level two, you should seek advice from a qualified specialist on the way to slow the degenerative process.

What Are the Types of Dementia?

There are various types of dementia. Most of them are not reversible, but you can manage them. Below are some of the types of dementia:

  • Alzheimer’s disease.
  • Mixed dementia.
  • Frontotemporal dementia.
  • Lewy body dementia.
  • Vascular dementia.

All these types of dementia are not reversible, but you can manage the condition if you follow a piece of expert advice regarding the condition.

Contact a Dementia Specialist Today

Dementia is a condition that can leave you dependent on other people if not detected early and diagnosed. Although doctors may not be able to treat the condition in most cases, managing its progress may assist the patient in retaining cognitive functionality for a prolonged period. Careful monitoring of your condition may help you avoid total loss of cognitive function. If you detected the symptoms, it would be advisable to visit a specialist in a dementia clinic such as Integrated Neurology Services. Start your treatment early. Call them today to schedule your appointment.

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