Why Is Orthodontic Treatment So Important in a Dental Clinic in Temecula, CA?


Almost three million people among Americans as well as Canadian teens have braces. Among adults, the number of people who started taking orthodontic treatment is also steadily rising. Therefore, many people these days are visiting Sunshine Dental, Inc in Temecula, CA, for orthodontic treatment.

However, the reasons for such braces and orthodontic treatment can be quite different from person to person. Your dentist at Temecula, CA, will be able to decide who will need orthodontic treatment and can send you to meet any orthodontist for a detailed consultation.

Orthodontic Treatment Improves Nutrition

If your teeth are poorly positioned then it might make it very difficult to chew certain hard foods or make chewing more difficult. Many difficult items may be healthy foods, and avoiding them will compel you to go for certain soft foods that can often be less nutritious foods e.g., ice cream or canned soup.

However, after the treatment, you can always eat crunchy meals e.g., carrots and apples, stringy foods e.g., asparagus and poultry, and chewy foods e.g., raisins with straighter teeth and with improved chewing skills.

Who Can Be the Right Candidate for Braces?

As per the recommendation of AAO (American Association of Orthodontists) no child below the age of 7 should make their first visit for an orthodontic consultation. The age of 7 is an unusually early age to consider braces.

However, this pre-screening can offer the orthodontist an opportunity to use certain preventative measures so that he or she can possibly correct the situations that may ultimately lead to going for braces shortly, and also advise their parents to plan for future orthodontic treatment.

Adults seeking orthodontic treatment can consult with their regular dentist at any time because it will never be too late to go for correcting their teeth.

During the first consultation with an orthodontist usually consists of a visual examination of the teeth and facial anatomy of the patient, followed by a discussion. If the orthodontist requests more info or the patient offers consent to begin treatment, the diagnostic records of the patient are taken.

The orthodontist uses these diagnostic tools, which include x-rays, dental models, and photographs of the face and teeth of the patient, to research and prepare a treatment plan for the patient.

As such, most orthodontists may not need a referral from your ordinary dentist, it may be beneficial if you get one when it comes to selecting the best dentist for you.

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